Friday, August 30, 2013

Newest Promotion At Club Couture: A free Louis Vuitton Replica Pochette!

My dear readers, besides reviewing and helping you get the best replica handbags online, once a month, I’m happy to announce the newest free gift from my favorite site. This June, they are offering a free Louis Vuitton replica Pochette Accessories.Louis Vuitton handbags are by far the most popular, well known, and Louis Vuitton ubiquitous designs bags on the market.

You simply cannot leave the house without spotting a LV bag or a fake Louis Vuitton bag. It is simply unbelievable how many of these bags are out there. And, while I tend to think the Louis Vuitton replica handbags craze is a touch over-blown (don’t get me wrong, I love LV, but there are other brands too! )#) it’s super important that you know the brand so that you can spot the duds. Here’s a little overview of ol’ Louis’ rise to fame. Louis Vuitton’s patented monogram print didn’t just spring up out of nowhere. No, the classic LV print Louis Vuitton Bags in stunning canvas print is older than your Granny – 156 years old, to be exact.

The company founded as a small shop in 1854 has had many years to imprint itself upon the imagination of the public. And, in all of those years two things have remained constant – Louis Vuitton’s patented prints and unique classy, design. The young Louis Vuitton was already an experienced Layetier crafting luggage for the Empress of France when he decided to set up shop in Paris on Rue Neuve des Capucines. It was from this tiny shop that he changed the way people saw luggage, changing it from a simple item of function to a means for expressing Ailleurs Cabas one’s sense of style. His gorgeous Trianon canvas luggage became an instant sensation amongst the wealthy Parisian fashionistas and paved the way for the advent of Louis Vuitton handbags.

And, would you believe it, within a year of creating his first luxury goods copies were already springing up in Paris. That’s right! It seems that Louis Vuitton replica handbags are almost as old as the originals themselves. Not only were LV designs good enough to last 155 years themselves, but they were the reason for the first fake handbags. And, while most replicas these days are based on Antheia the more recent monogram bags, some of those original bags (including the Damier Canvas print from 1888) can still be found in the form of fake Louis Vuitton bags.

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